Atlantic Charter


The Image result for the atlantic charterAtlantic Charter was an agreement between the president of the United States and the prime minister of the United Kingdom.  They came up with eight joint common principles. The eight principles had very good points behind them. Most of them were out of respect to one another. They also dealt with the thought of territories and how they would not change what each already “owned” I also thought the strong point was for peace for all the people after the war.

The Great Depression Citizens of Harlem.

Image result for Great Depression and the City of HarlemThe City of Harlem was was home to mainly African Americans and West Indians. The great depression hit hard all over America but the city of Harlem was hit very hard. The living conditions was awful two or three families were trying to live in a one family apartments. They would do this to try and make rent but it was nearly impossible for them to make rent with no work.

How did the Ku Klux Klan define Americanism? AND Who is left out of the Klan’s definition of Americanism?

Image result for ku klux klan 1926When reading “The Klan’s Fight for Americanism” by Hiram W. Evans I get the thought or impression that they believe Americanism is a life style and everyone needs to live that way because in their minds its the only way. During the time this was written and the life style of the Klan they did not like African Americans in fact they showed the most hate to them.

A few of the arguments against imperial expansion

A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. America wanted to bring political, economic, and social control on other foreign countries. They argued that we were being ruled before and we fought for our independence to be free. Why would we put someone else in something we ourselves hated.  How can we rule someone without their consent of it?

Section two

I Image result for Meat scandal 1906found Section two the most disturbing and sad. The fact that they would sell that on free lunch containers and all is unacceptable.  If someone is getting a free meal they do not need to worry where or how the meal was made for them. The whole “number three grade” should have never been sold or even anywhere near the market it needed to be in the dump. The fact that they can just keep adding the stronger pickle makes me sick. I bet the meat workers and owners never had to eat that meat . The different names of ham is another big lie and im so sad people were lied to and bought into it and ate stuff that made them sick.

Homestead Act

Image result for homestead actThe Homestead Act was signed on May 20, 1862 by Abraham Lincoln. The Act was signed in hopes of encouraging western migration and expansion of the United States. It gave an incentive to the ones willing to pack up and move.  Tho it came with a few stipulations: building a house, farming at least 20 acres, digging a well, and living on the property at least six months out of the year. A fun fact i found was over 270 million acres of US land in 30 states was given to people under this act!

Living Conditions

Image result for Late 19th century Unemployment

The living conditions in the Falls River were need list to say rough. Also to make matters worse there wasn’t enough work for people to feed their family much less themselves. Doctors visits for anyone would cost about $2 and that adds up to about two days worth of work if there was any to be found. For any one to travel West it would cost a lot of coal and food to feed everyone for the journey. Let alone the cost of farm land in the West. Over all the loss of a job or the lack of not finding a job made life very hard.

All About Me 2019

My name is Catherine Ashford (Krueger) and I just moved to Lubbock because I got married in November. I work here on campus in the deans office. When I am not working or going to class I enjoy fishing and being out on the water.  I am working towards a degree in teaching. I’m looking forward to history class and a good semester.Image may contain: 1 person, child and outdoor Image may contain: 1 person, child and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, child and outdoor

Cooperative Learning and Project Based learning

Cooperative learning is a great tool to help students in many ways. Not only does it help with their learning but also their social skills, working with a group, and being responsible for their part of the work.Image result for Cooperative Learning

Project based learning is an amazing way again to get students out of their shell. Also make them more friends as well it can help the student to excel and move forward. while showing how much they know and show leadership skills. A plus for teachers is that you can make multiple grade opportunities. Image result for project based learning pros

goal vs. objective

Goals can be defined as a the final end stop with what you are wanting your students to know. While objectives are how you plan to get to your final stop as the goal. Here is a break down of each goal and objective.


  • Are the final result or outcome of an endeavor
  • It is what you want to achieve
  • Broader than objectives
  • Have a longer time frame


  • Are specific results that help to achieve the final goal
  • It is how you are going to achieve the goal
  • More specific
  • Have a short time frame

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