Section two

I Image result for Meat scandal 1906found Section two the most disturbing and sad. The fact that they would sell that on free lunch containers and all is unacceptable.  If someone is getting a free meal they do not need to worry where or how the meal was made for them. The whole “number three grade” should have never been sold or even anywhere near the market it needed to be in the dump. The fact that they can just keep adding the stronger pickle makes me sick. I bet the meat workers and owners never had to eat that meat . The different names of ham is another big lie and im so sad people were lied to and bought into it and ate stuff that made them sick.

One thought on “Section two

  1. Its hard to even imagine what that must have been like to have to consume. Its terrible that there were people willing to even consider selling that to people, let alone have any other organism consume.


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